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Spanish Club

Spanish club is a club that explores Hispanic culture every month. There are numerous activities, wonderful lessons, an overflow of knowledge, and of course, the movie days: the best part about the club!

This club takes a closer look at the history of Spanish heritage and teaches the student body at Spain Park about how it came to be. It also visually shows the different aspects of the culture itself and conveys the knowledge with hands-on activities.

During the week of September 24-28, the club gave a wide array of exposure to the heritage of Hispanic culture during Hispanic Heritage Week. Throughout the duration of this week, activities such as creating an Aztec Sun Catcher to a movie day to making shrinky-dinks taught our student body about the distinct innovation and evolution of Spanish activities and artwork.

The creation of each different type of art was tied in with the specific activity and showed the student body its roots and history to further their knowledge about different cultures coexisting around us. Hispanic Heritage Week is celebrated at Spain Park because of Hispanic Heritage Month which spans all the way from September 15th, 2018 till October 15th, 2018.

It is dedicated to recognizing and addressing Hispanic culture and how it contributed to our lives and the lives around us. We also celebrated World Heritage Week which was celebrated during the week of October 15th.

It was observed and made aware of at Spain Park to tie in all the different cultures present which Spanish Club took a part in as well. There was dancing, food tasting, and many more interactive activities throughout the week, and they all engaged the student body and informed them about the cultures present around them.

Join Spanish club to learn more about the Spanish culture!



©2019 by Spain Park's The Jag
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