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In Defense of Gap Years

Originating in the United Kingdom, gap years - the years students take as a break in between high school and university - have gradually become more popular in other places around the globe. In the United States, however, there is still a certain stigma around taking a brief hiatus between secondary and higher education despite the numerous benefits it holds.

Many hold the belief that choosing to take a gap year indicates to universities that students are not serious about their education; however, this statement is false. Some of the most prestigious colleges, such as Harvard and Princeton, encourage students to take a gap year. Princeton, for example, has a program called the Bridge Year Program which facilitates gap years among certain members of their incoming freshmen class. Gap years can be a chance to show to colleges one’s ability to thrive in an unfamiliar environment and grow into a more cultured individual.

Gap years provide young people the ability to travel and explore the world. This is a period in one’s life in which one is free of responsibilities such as jobs and debt. Since the price of college has drastically increased, it may be one of the last times in one’s youth in which one has the ability to travel without the burden of student loan payments and other duties. There are numerous programs that allow students to travel and volunteer around the globe, exposing students to cultures vastly unlike their own. Students who choose to take a gap year in order to travel find that they grow as individuals as a result of being exposed to new cultures and experiences which challenge previously held notions about the world. Living in a foreign place fosters the development of empathy and independence unlike any other experience.

Additionally, anxiety and stress are at an all-time high among students. A study by NYU found that 49% of high schoolers are stressed the majority of the time. Being constantly subjected to a high level of stress can leave its toll on even the most ambitious students. When students constantly push themselves to strive for high grades, they may find themselves becoming fatigued by and apathetic to school and grades. Choosing to take a year between high school and college can keep students from becoming burnt out. Gap years offer a brief reprieve from the pressures of education, and they offer a chance to become more focused and prioritize goals for the future. In addition to keeping students from becoming burnt out, some studies have also found that students who choose to take a gap year often end up with higher GPAs in college than their peers who did not.

Life is short. It’s a phrase that has been echoed for generations. People should seize the opportunity to explore the world and themselves before it’s too late. Gap years allow young adults to partake in such opportunities. Essentially, more students should consider gap years as a valid option before heading to university.



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