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Drum Circle

The Drum Circle is lead by the band director of Spain Park, Mr. Neugent. The Drum Circle meets every Tuesday at 2:45 pm. Mr. Neugent helps to connect with the students by enabling them to express themselves with music.

The students love to come and hang out with each other. They typically play the long drum and sometimes use egg shakers. They learn rhythm and also learn to play a song.

The Drum Circle typically lasts for 30 minutes, and the students typically perform twice a year. This year, they are playing at the Band Christmas Concert and the Band Spring Concert.

The students sometimes lead the Drum Circle as it helps them to gain leadership skills. The students tell each other what to do, and Mr. Neugent helps them achieve that students wishes. For instance, if a student wanted the other students to only beat the drum after every third clap, then Mr. Neugent will help the students do this.

The students also play games on the drums. These games are really fun to the students, and they learn new skills. An example of a game is to only beat the drum at certain intervals. The Drum Circle is great for the students at Spain Park and helps create an encompassing environment. The Drum Circle has been an ongoing activity and Mr. Neugent is very excited for the students to perform at the band concerts.

Mr. Neugent hopes that people will come out and support the students by watching the band concerts.

I hope the Drum Circle will continue again next year, and I look forward to the band concerts.



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