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Into the Spider-Verse

We all love movies, right? And 2018 was full of amazing movies like Black Panther, A Star is Born, and Crazy Rich Asians. However, the one that stuck out to me the most was none other than, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. I know what you’re thinking, “Isn’t that movie for kids?,” and to that, I say: “Probably.”

But, and stay with me now, don’t we all deserve to embrace our inner child and go see a PG movie with your best friend and a really tall girl you met three hours before at 9 pm on a Sunday night the day before New Years? I think so. Although my movie experience wasn’t ideal because I was sitting in front of idiot teenage boys who wouldn’t stop talking, my friend had to use the bathroom two times, and someone started to throw change at me halfway through the movie, I was still able to appreciate almost everything about the movie.

The animation alone was amazing. The movie used a unique aesthetic to make it look almost identical to a comic book. Having thought bubbles pop up on the screen to show how the characters are feeling, sound effects like “THWIP” appear on the screen when a character shoots a web. The story overall was well written. You could really tell the people behind this really put a lot of thought into the script. Not only was it incredibly charming and funny, but the movie also had some emotional parts. The one scene that stuck with me specifically was when the main character’s (Miles Morales) uncle was shot and killed by the main villain, Kingpin. It was just so sudden, and I wasn’t expecting it. It was very emotional and it even made me feel bad, and I didn’t even cry when Simba’s dad died.

There’s so much more I could write about this movie, but I waited to the last minute to do this article and now my head hurts. So, maybe another time. All that’s left to say is: never be afraid to enjoy childish things, and do whatever makes you happy.

P.S. John Mulaney as Spider-Ham was the best thing to hit the cinemas since ever.



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