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A Breakdown of the Week After Winter Break

Winter break, the break everyone is anticipating for. The week before the break you have the dreadful exams, which makes you stressed out to the core, but in the end you made it out alive and it’s winter break. We have 2 and a half weeks to take the well deserved rest we longed for, but for some reason the break goes by so fast. One morning it’s the first day of the break and then you wake up the next morning and it’s time for school.

Obviously that was an exaggeration, but I’m not wrong. Everyone is dreading the first day back from the break because it’s back to staying up late at night doing homework that you decided to wait until the last minute to do, or study for a test on material you know nothing about. Also being stressed, or just not happy because you have to go back to school. But don’t worry soon it’ll be spring break, even though we get only a week off, it’s still a break from school. In the meantime, I’ve decided to do this article to show the breakdown of the week coming back from winter break, you’ll either find this relatable, or I don’t know, it’s hard not to find this relatable.

January 6: The day before school: So it’s the day before school, you’re dreading it because you’re thinking about how messed up your sleep schedule is and how hard it is to wake up tomorrow. But also you’re pumped because it’s a new year, new me, and a new school year which is a fresh start. You’ll make goals for yourself for example, to not procrastinate (which you’ll probably do as soon as you see how much homework you have) to make all As, oh and the best one yet not letting anything distract you or get in your way of accomplishing those goals (tell that to your boyfriend/girlfriend texting you right now). Now it’s 11:00 p.m. because for some strange reason you decided to go to bed late, on the first day back, even though there is no reason for you to be up.

January 7, Monday: The first thing that happens is that you’re startled by your alarm clock because you haven’t heard that sound in 2 weeks, you get the outfit you picked out the night before and you’re off to school. The day is pretty simple, teachers welcoming you back, seeing your friends and learning the new changes that have been made. And then the unthinkable happens...homework on the first day back. You’re thinking to yourself, “Why in the world do we have homework and we literally got back, can I at least learn how to breathe regularly before you spring this on us?” So we get back from school and you’re basically in denial, “This can’t be real, I can’t believe we’re actually back.” Don’t worry it’ll all get “better” from here.

January 8, Tuesday: Getting out of bed is probably even harder because you were up all night with homework. Basically, your school day consists of taking notes and learning new material and being stuck with more work to do. But the good news is that tomorrow’s a late day so you get to wake up at 7:30 a.m. instead of 6:00 a.m. and you only have 3 classes that day and not 7.

January 9, Wednesday: You wake up feeling great, a new person since you got 8 hours of sleep. Now your Wednesday could be boring because you have your academic classes that day or “fun” because you know it’s going to be a chill day and you have your “easy” classes that day aka electives (unless your electives are not academic like art or dance). You get home realizing that you didn’t do your homework that is due on Thursday so you’re up half of the night trying to finish it.

January 10, Thursday: Congratulations, you’ve almost made it through a whole week of school without a mental breakdown. So Thursdays are your other classes, which is more than yesterday and it feels like its longer than Wednesday classes. You probably have your very boring classes and you’re stuck in there for forever, especially with your 6th period. 6th period is an hour and 35 mins and if you don’t have an elective that period’s a mess. If you have math, science, or history then rest in peace (I mean think positive). Now you go home and realize that you have homework that you need to do from today that’s due tomorrow plus the homework you had Wednesday and haven’t done. Another late nighter...go jags!!

January 11, Friday: *plays Friday by Rebecca Black* It’s Friday!!!!!!! Almost the weekend, you wake up excited because this has been the longest week of your life and it’s almost over. You go to school, feeling positive knowing that as soon as you leave you don’t have to go to school tomorrow. You go home all happy, not thinking about all the homework you have to do tomorrow (or wait until Sunday because you know you’re a pro at waiting till the last minute to do stuff), and you just lay in your bed all night watching Netflix. Or if you’re like me watching 80s/90s movies all night; those are the best movies by the way.

January 12, Saturday: You start off the morning waking up at 11:00 a.m., you do your chores (and if you don’t have chores to do on Saturdays like me, then good for you). Now you think to yourself, “I should be productive and do all my homework so I won’t have to do it on Sunday,” or “Should I call my girls and go party?” And we all know which one you’re going to do, you end up back home at around 12:00 a.m from doing who knows what and end up doing no school work whatsoever. Don’t worry you still have Sunday to do it.

If you relate to this in any way then congratulations you’re a true teenager and a Jaguar for life. But in all seriousness, Spain Park is a great school academically, it can be overwhelming at times but in the end, you’re getting a good education, don’t take it for granted.



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