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Fahrenheit 451

Many people have heard of Fahrenheit 451 whether it's because of school or just because they want to read it on your own time. Recently, they came out with a movie based on the book and I just watched it. I was a big fan of the book when I first read it in ninth grade, but I also really liked the movie. Like all movies, this one was a little different than the book but for the most part, there weren't any humongous changes. It also helped me appreciate the author, Ray Bradbury, more because it's one thing to read it and another thing to actually see it in real life.

If you don't know, Fahrenheit 451 is about a guy named Guy Montag who works as a firefighter and burns books as his job. He's being lied to by the government he is controlled by, and he decides to read… the rest is history.

I would highly recommend the book because it's not just a normal book: it emphasizes a world years from now and how the influence of the people has a large change on it; the reason books were outlawed was because the people didn't bother to read and because it caused fights and a multitude of issues. It shows how everything can have a lasting effect on the future and how it can destroy lives for future generations. It also shows a world in which people are blindly following the government without any questions. Those people are doing what they're told just because higher authorities told them to and that is exactly with people shouldn't be doing.

Most people read this book in ninth grade at Spain Park, but if you did not have the chance or did not pay attention the first time, you can always get it from the library or borrow it from one of the teachers.

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