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Kindness Week

It’s that time of year again for Spain Park’s annual Kindness Week! It’s your chance to be kind to someone new or to someone you don’t usually talk to!

Monday was “Hey Day!”, where students were given a name tag from their 1st-period teachers and were asked to wear their name on their shirt all day. The goal of this day was to introduce yourself to people you have never talked to before by using their name.

Tuesday was Pink Sticky Note day! In your 1st period class, your teacher should have put positive sticky notes on everyone’s desk for students to find when they walked into their first period. It always brightens someone’s day when he/she receives a compliment.

Wednesday is Pink T-Shirt Day AND Mix It Up At Lunch Day! You could have purchased the pink shirt sold at Spain Park or just wear any pink shirt you own to show your school spirit. Have you ever noticed somebody sitting by themselves at lunch? Well on Wednesday, you should invite that person to sit with your friends at your table. No matter who they are, why should they have to be by themselves when there is plenty of room at your table? Plus, you can definitely brighten their day and potentially make a new friendship out of it!

Thursday is Pink Lollipop Day! First-period teachers hand out pink lollipops to students and students have the chance to take a sticky note from the Kindness Confetti Wall in the lunchroom to give to someone.

Friday is Spirit Day! Spain Park teachers and students come dressed in school colors to celebrate our positive Spain Park family.


Kindness week is very important because sometimes we just need a reminder that it is wrong to be mean and some people are being bullied. We should be kind to EVERYONE and remember that everyone is dealing with their own personal battles and it really isn’t that difficult to be nice to everyone--even if we don’t like the person. Even as we grow older, what we learned as children about treating others the way we want to be treated is a lesson that still applies. Just remember, it costs nothing to be kind and even a smile can make a difference in somebody’s day.



©2019 by Spain Park's The Jag
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