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Teacher Recognition: Craig Thompson

Mr. Craig Thompson is a teacher of AP US History 10, the SPHS Law Academy, and overseer of Philosophy Club. He is passionate about the subjects he teaches and cares immensely about the success of all students.

I was given the opportunity to interview Mr. Thompson, so naturally, I took it.

The interview went as follows:

Why did you become a teacher?

Um… because it’s an important job and I like it; because I worked at Krystal and I didn’t like that job. I also worked at Golden Corral and I didn't like it.

Do you have any pets?

Yes. A basset lab mix, named Erma Jane Thompson. She is about 12 years and is a grumpy old lady. There is Scout, an 11-year-old Siamese cat, who is awful and is only kind to me. She attacks the rest of the family. We have 3 goldfish. Our other fish are dead.

What’s the most valuable thing in life?

Family, friends, trying to make the world a better place.

Most embarrassing moment?

When a kid gave me a Christmas present that was a box of pebbles because I’m a ginger and that’s all I deserve. I have kept that box in my room and I still treasure that present to this day.

What’s the best advice you could give a high schooler?

Learn how to be yourself.

Why do you believe social studies is a valuable subject that every student needs to learn?

Because Janessa Madison told me that history is stupid and worthless and I endeavor to prove her wrong.*

How would you describe yourself in 3 words?

I would not.

If you could change any law, which would you change?

*shrugs shoulders*

Do you speak and other languages?

Yes, French

What’s the longest sentence in the English language? **

I refuse to answer that question.

If pro and con are opposites, what’s the opposite of progress?

I don't know if I agree with that.

In closing this interview, it became clear that Craig Thompson is a wonderful person with a big heart for people and what he teaches, which can be applied to school and in life. He is unquestionably deserving of acknowledgment.

*For the record, I did not verbally state that history is stupid and worthless. -Interviewer

** “I do.”



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