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Do Harder Classes Cause More Stress Among High Schoolers?

Last week, I conducted an experiment relating teenage stress to class difficulty. I asked people from different grades who have taken classes of varying difficulty. I asked them what they would rate their stress level for this week on a scale of 1-10. These are the results.

People who take advanced classes: stress level average: 7.2/10

People who take no advanced level classes: stress level average: 6.5/10

This data indicates that students taking harder classes are stressed only a small amount more than people who take easier classes. Sometimes, we need to be reminded that grades do not equate to self-worth and do not define who we truly are. While we all take varying class difficulties, we all have heavy workloads and battle stress daily.

Remind yourself that things will get better! And the best news of all? Spring break is only days away!



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