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Money Over Merit: College Admission Scandals

Recently, there has been a trend of college admission scandals involving elite colleges accepting monetary bribery to place children into their schools. Many of the schools are getting sued by their students, as they have acknowledged the unlawful bribing of multiple celebrities, including Lori Loughlin, who bribed her daughter's way into college. Her daughter claimed that she does not care much about her education, but only wants to attend a high-end college for the experience and to party on the weekends.

Students are outraged that the time and commitment spent over years of extensive education got them accepted into their dream college, while others were fortunate enough to simply pay their way in. Colleges should think about their students and the future they are leading rather than profit, as the students are the ones who represent the school and the future leaders of our world.

I believe this is completely unjust and brings out the true corrupt nature of societal greed. I know that if I were applying to college and got rejected because a well-to-do family was able to pay their way in, I would be completely outraged. I believe that everyone deserves a fair chance at college. While some people have certain advantages and privileges, it doesn't mean that the rest of the students fall short.



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