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Should There be Another Core Class?

By definition, core courses are a set of courses that are considered basic and essential for future classwork and graduation. In high school, a core course of study includes classes in the four subject areas: English, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science. This system of learning has proven itself successful, however, I believe that the educational system should include a core class on emotional intelligence.

There is a multitude of aspects contributing to the importance

of good mental health. When someone one is in a bad place mentally, they can not function to the best of their ability. With bad mental health, the brain is more susceptible to harmful thoughts, which can ultimately lead to suicide, a very prominent matter in today’s society. In taking this core class, students would benefit from learning to look beyond the situation. The more someone ponders over a situation, the more negative environment will be issued in their everyday lives. Students should be taught how to have self-control, how to manage and express their emotions, and how to handle relationships in a healthy way to help prevent negative actions from occurring. With stable emotional intelligence, one can be a better friend, student, leader, and aspire a better tomorrow for this world.

“When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on.” — Franklin D. Roosevelt



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