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The coronavirus started spreading at the end of last year in Wuhan, China in a market. The coronavirus can spread through direct contact and symptoms are not easy to diagnose. The death toll is China has surpassed 600 and the infected residents are being sent to mass quarantine camps.

I want to talk about a cruise ship in Japan which holds sixty-one people that are infected. Due to the amount of people, the cruise ship has the single highest concentration of coronavirus cases outside of mainland China in the whole world. The number of cases overnight went from 20 to 61 so it is spreading quickly. The ship, the Diamond Princess, is anchored off the coast of Yokohama, near Tokyo, with 1,045 crew and 2,666 passengers on board. The ship also had about 428 Americans on board. It has been quarantined since Tuesday the fourth of February. This ship is one of the three ships that have had the coronavirus spread in them. Two of the ships are currently in Japan and Hong Kong and officials are trying to control the spread of the virus. The other ship is in the East Asia Sea and has not docked yet meaning that the virus is still spreading on that ship.



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