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More Random Advice with Janessa

Some words from my heart that I feel should be shared and will possibly help you:

Check on yourself as much as you check social media… Self-care is incredibly important and should be prioritized. NEVER feel guilty for putting yourself first in a situation that affects your mental health.

Don’t mistake attachment for connection… If you’re not vibing, you can let them go. Are they driving you forward or crazy?

You can have fun without drinking/smoking/vaping… Contrary to popular belief, you should not rely on nicotine or alcohol to be an exciting and fun-loving person. Peer pressure exists, but you know what’s best for you. Your liver and lungs will thank you in 10 years.

You don’t have to “post it” to prove it… We are all on very different journies in life and everyone has their own priorities. A need for validation from adolescents should not be one of those priorities.

Relax… It’s too easy to get wrapped up in your future plans and dwell over your past mistakes, but that takes up a lot of storage in the mind. No need to be overwhelmed, take it easy, instead. Meditation is powerful, and simply reflecting on something that brings you peace.



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