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The Horrors of Sleep Deprivation

The students sail cheerfully across the sea but easily get captured into the Bermuda Triangle of sleep deprivation leading to the deep horrors of Insomnia. It is crucial for the brain to develop during the stages of adolescence in order to retain information and engage better in schools. As such, due to sleep-deprived students, schools should change their starting times in order to provide students with adequate sleep.

There are physical, mental, and social elements that can affect how we behave on a daily basis. According to Source A, “[t]o be your best--academically, socially, athletically, physically--you must sleep for at least eight hours a night.” In order to function properly, sleeping patterns should be improved within students in order for them to develop properly. Furthermore, better sleeping habits can improve many sleeping patterns in students and can help their cognitive and academic performance. Furthermore, Source A emphasizes that“[n]ew evidence shows that sleep is essential to helping maintain mood, memory, and cognitive performance.” While the adolescent brain is developing, there are many mood swings adolescents go through in their teen years. If a student’s brain cannot develop properly, then the brain can have permanent damage. There can be many aftershocks after managing sleep deprivation for a long time resulting in addiction for illegal drugs as well.

Alcohol and tobacco are not the only causes of addiction, but addiction can also be due to over the counter medications aiding for sleep deprivation. Source F acknowledged that medications used for sleep deprivation like Ambien can become ineffective when used for a repeated amount of time. Medications used for abnormal sleep could lead to chronic sleep disorders such as Insomnia. These medications can then lead to students using non-healthy drugs like drinking alcohol and smoking in order to calm the nervous system. Source F confirms that the central nervous system can critically become extinguished and death may emerge. If proper sleep is not perceived, then the absence of sleep can increase which also increases the risk of dangerous drugs being used for Insomnia like heroin. The effects of drugs taken for abnormal sleep can increase the risk of chronic or acute diseases and quickly result in death. Sleep deprivation can leave students hanging, leaving them to change their way of staying alert and being focused in school.

If sleep deprivation within students is not intercepted, then students will soon start to perceive mental health issues. Source G discusses,“[s]ome schools argue that adjusting schools schedules is too expensive and complicated.” Although adjusting schedules are too costly, however, in order for students to exceed in school, schools should take these concerns and rectify them. Schools should start somewhere around 9:30 a.m. instead of 8:30 a.m. so schools can provide students with enough sleep in order for them to grow and learn. The National Sleep Foundation confirms that exercise and a good diet is equal to earning sufficient sleep in order for good health. Adolescents who dive into depression can turn inanimate. A child’s brain is like a seedling because it grows and is immensely delicate. Anything can daunt a child’s heart because children are honest and pure. Consequently, when a child starts to grow up into an adolescent, mood swings start affecting the adolescent’s developing brain.

In the final observation, students should engage, focus, and increase their academic and cognitive performance in school. However, it is remarkably hard for students, especially adolescents, to manage social and emotional problems. Therefore, in order for students to succeed academically and socially, schools have an obligation to examine the benefits which start times bring to student success.



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