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Christmas Favorites at Spain Park!

With the end of the 1st semester rapidly approaching, the students and faculty of Spain Park are gearing up for the holiday season! The Business Academy (DECA) hosted Christmas-themed karaoke on December 1, our choral department joined UAB for their annual “Christmas at the Alys” concert on November 30th and have their own Christmas concert coming on the 6th with the band department, and teachers started breaking out those mini Christmas trees and other decorations.

A poll was posted to our Instagram account (@spainparkjag) asking for everyone’s favorite things about Christmas time, like favorite movies or songs, family traditions, and the consistently controversial question: when is the right time to put up / take down those decorations?

The Favorite Christmas Movie responses are summed up in the following chart. The most popular, leading by only one vote with a 2-way tie just behind it, Elf!

For favorite Christmas snacks, Christmas cookies led the vote overwhelmingly (53%) and was followed by candy canes, monkey bread, gingerbread, orange rolls, and more.

Some favorite family traditions of SPHS students include candlelight church services, watching every version of A Christmas Carol, making homemade cinnamon rolls, and traveling around town to look at all the Christmas lights.

The winner for the favorite holiday song was “All I Want For Christmas is You”! This was another very close vote as you can see in the chart of results.

Now for the controversy... Christmas decorating time. By a large majority, students said that the right time to decorate is the day after Thanksgiving or on Thanksgiving day (71%). Others said either November 1st or December 1st. As far as taking them down, people ranged anywhere from wanting to leave them up year-round to taking them down as soon as Christmas is over on the 26th, or leaving it up until Epiphany on January 6th or Valentine’s on February 14th. The majority said that they should come down on New Years Day (61%).

From the writers of The Jag Newspaper, we wish you happy holidays and a great winter break!





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