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Interview with Mr. Giangrosso

Even with the uncertainty of this year, our beloved principal, Mr. G, has found ways to allow students to come meet with him face to face. I had the pleasure and privilege of meeting with Mr. G and conducting a personal interview with him in his office. Spain Park is very blessed to have such an incredible leader in our school who truly cares for his students, faculty and staff.

Personal Interview with Mr. Giangrosso


Can you describe a typical day in your role as principal?

  • Get here around 7, very strict routine - if I am not right on time I get upset with myself. I make sure I don't have any overnight emails and I get out and walk through the building. I like to give birthday cards to the teachers and I like it when they get it before they get in their classrooms. I love to see the morning custodians. Mrs.Val always meets me at the front door, and we just talk about things, like about Spain Park and our families. One of my favorites is getting to greet the students in the lobby. After the teachers and students arrive, I have several meetings with teachers, parents, and faculty. Most don't see it, but there are both operational and educational sides, such as making sure the building is in working order and reviewing the financial side of things. What I enjoy most is going to the classroom and seeing teachers and students engaging. I love to watch our teachers do an outstanding job. I am constantly observing and meeting with administrative and counseling teams for upcoming events for both disciplinary and academic situations. I just like to make sure everyone sees that I do care about everyone's job. Every job is significant. I try to stay timely in answering emails within 24 hours, stay later to return phone calls after hours. I like when the building is quiet so I can focus to get more done. We have great staff. Mrs. Wingo manages the calendar, keeps me on track with all of the meetings I am in trying to solve problems. My definition of my job as ‘Principal’ is this: My job is to remove obstacles so teachers can teach and students can learn. Our business is our students, and teachers are the first point of contact. I like to be engaged in the type of experience available outside the classroom and what they do.

On average, how many meetings do you participate in in a day/week?

  • I’d say anywhere between 5-6 a day, so about 30-40 a week. My priority for meetings are students first, teachers second, parents third, then everyone else. If I have a little off time and you need to meet with me, the front office will let you right in, or anyone can email me directly and get with Mrs. Wingo to get on the calendar. I don't like text, I’m okay with email, phone calls are next, but face to face meetings are the best form of communication. You get to really know people, learning from meeting in person. You get a chance to explore their challenges and respect them more. You gain a renewed respect for people.

Who is your best friend at Spain Park?

  • My two best custodial friends are Alfred Jones from the morning crew and Ralph Hill from the night crew. We have a lot in common, probably our age, haha. They are both really good guys and we talk about everything- sports, news, school, jobs, families. I am great friends with many teachers. I have a great connection with Mr. Todd Parker. I rely on everyone and have a lot of respect for our faculty.

What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

  • Chocolate, with almonds.

How many years have you been in education?

  • It's my 46th year in education, owing a lot to former players and students. I have never had an original thought. I believe the Good Lord put a lot of people in my path that guided me, and that’s how I was able to survive all these years. It is a great feeling to walk in this building every morning. I make it a point to walk in the front door and look at that sign, “Those who graduate from SP, will change the world”. I read that sign every single morning. I am grateful for the opportunities we give them. I have hope. Even in difficult times, I know we have to be persistent, and do the things you know are the right things for you. It truly gives me hope. We have had our ups and downs this year, but the last thing when you walk out, you just think to yourself, “Tomorrow, I’m going to do better.”

What is your favorite food item on the lunch menu here at Spain Park?

  • Oooh, that's a tough one. But I think it’s pretty easy to say our crispitos.

What has been your biggest influence on your life that led you to be where you are today?

  • Parents were the biggest influence. I grew up in a very strict, Italian Catholic home, and we were strictly business about things. We had a family business where I learned to work and how to have work ethic. I also learned from them to have integrity and honesty in all areas. They didn't tell us to go to church, we went to church, they didn't tell us to pray, they prayed with us. My parents taught me to respect everyone. Another great influence starting in education was Bob Finley for Berry Middle School. He was a great mentor, and there were many people there to help you do the right thing. I truly learned professionalism from him and other mentors there.

Is this what you’ve wanted to do all your life?

  • I never thought to be a principal. I actually had to talk myself into applying for the job of assistant principal first. I keep the assistant principal plaque right here in a cabinet above my desk. I am a pretty private person; I don't like to be outfront in the limelight, and I work better behind the scenes. I do, however, enjoy being around students. Students keep you young and energized. Students give you a good perspective on what adults should be.

What is your favorite holiday and why?

  • Christmas, because it’s such a rejuvenating time of giving; a very special doing for others. It is a joyous time, and you get to see a side of people you don't see all year long. It is 2-3 weeks viewing a different side of people. I change during the time. I am energized by the thought of giving.





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