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Model UN Blood Drive

In the middle of the pandemic, it is more important now than ever before to donate blood, as every donation makes a difference. One person’s donation of a pint of blood could potentially save 3 lives, and if your blood type is O-, O+, A-, or B- then your donation is especially necessary, as your blood could help a wider population of people.

Spain Park’s Model UN has taken the initiative to organize a blood drive on Monday, November 16th, from 8:30AM to 1PM at the Finley Center to help address the need for blood donations in our community. Since the blood drive is taking place during school hours, only virtual students will be able to donate at the center this year. However, there are other blood drives and opportunities to donate blood around Birmingham if you want to give back to your community. The donation process is simple, as you sign up, choose a time slot, and once you arrive at the blood drive, the donation itself takes only around 10 min. This blood drive is an opportunity to make an impact on the hospitals and treatment centers around you, as you never know who might need it the most.



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