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New Band Director Alert!

With the 2021-22 school year finally here, there were some losses and gains, one of the gains being the new band director Mr. Craig Cagle. Mr. Cagle stepped into a new school not really knowing what to expect, but he took it all to his best ability. I had the joy of sitting down and interviewing Mr. Cagle and getting to know a little more about him.

Personal interview with Mr. Cagle


What school did you come from before you came to Spain Park?

  • Before Spain Park, I was at Mortimer Jordan High School, which is in Kimberly, Alabama .

What were your first thoughts about coming to Spain Park?

  • My first thoughts about coming to a new school were excitement and a little anxiety, not bad anxiety, but nervous, anxious energy to start with new people, a new place, and a lot of unknowns, but I also had a very positive outlook on things were going to be.

How long have you been a band director, and what is your favorite thing about being a band director?

  • I’ve been a band director now for 20 years, this is my 21st, and I think my favorite thing about being a band director is getting to share my love of music with younger people. I hope not only that students become musicians in their career or anything even like that; I hope they just understand and come to enjoy music and love it for the rest of their lives.

What are some goals you have for this year for the students?

  • Some goals I have for the students are to be successful at marching contests, whether we make the best in class or getting a superior rating, but really just to get back the normalcy of going to contests. I would like to continue with students the traditional things they have like the big showcase during Christmas time and their holiday showcase. And I would love to see some individuals do some really, really great things and love to see students make the district band, the all-state, all-state jazz band and things. Those would be some goals I have for the kids.

How has it been getting to know the Spain Park faculty and staff?

  • When I first came to Spain Park, I was really welcomed by the administrators and Mr. Giangrosso and all the office staff, even the custodians. The bus drivers and everyone who works here has been really welcoming to me, and I've enjoyed getting to know them. It’s the same with parents; we have some really hard-working parents who are involved with the band, and I've gotten to know a lot of them, especially our band booster board members. I'm just so happy to work alongside a lot of people who care about the band.

What have the students done to make the adjustment to Spain Park easier?

  • One thing that made the job easier is that students have helped me with leadership; the students in the leadership team have really been good to help me get accustomed to the way things have been, or at least they way they are used to doing things. Now, we've adapted some things that were not exactly the same, but they have really stepped up. When I have questions, they’re there to answer them, and when I’m sure about the procedural things, I look to one of the leadership students to help me understand what they’re used to. We don't make big changes to things that don't need big changes.

We’re so glad that Mr. Cagle has joined The Pride of the Park, and we hope he has a great year with not only the band, but the whole Spain Park Family. We wish him the best of luck.



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