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Outfit Shopping for HOCO

As Homecoming 2021 is around the corner, the people attending Homecoming this year are starting to buy or have already bought their striking outfits for the magical night. Some still have choices to make, and some still have no idea what they will be wearing for the Homecoming dance. If you have no clue on what to wear, my advice to you is to first think of a color or theme that you would like to wear and start to brainstorm how you would want your whole outfit to look. More advice to others who cannot decide on what outfit to get: start by going online and looking at multiple websites to see what you would be interested in. Also remember to keep your options open when looking because the outfit you may want could be out of stock, out of your size, or even out of your price range. If you are physically going to stores to look for your outfits, try on the outfits that you love and that you actually see yourself wearing to Homecoming, and when choosing your outfits, don’t forget to ask yourself about how this outfit you chose makes you feel in your skin or how comfortable it makes you feel.

When you have decided which are your top three outfits, make the decision by thinking about which ones don’t have the same style or look, and think back to your brainstorming and the ideas that you made. Once you have thought it through, dial it down to one after looking and make your final decision. Good luck with your outfits, so excited to see them!



©2019 by Spain Park's The Jag
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