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Poetry Feature: "if i were a bird i’d be a vulture" and "lavender"

Makayla Bush

if i were a bird i’d be a vulture

if i were a bird i’d be a vulture

if i were a plant i’d be a cactus

if i were a coin i’d be penny


if you were a bird you’d be a peacock

if you were a plant you’d be a water lily

if you were a coin you’d be a quarter


no one would want me

when they could have you


i was saved by a lavender

at a time i didn’t know i needed saving

like the sun

their smile radiates far

five months feels like five years

every second is valuable

the numbness i have felt for so long

is starting to disappear

now that my home is here

they are the best thing

i never knew i needed





©2019 by Spain Park's The Jag
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