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Settling the Wheels v. Doors Debate

Lacey Crews

The current most controversial question sweeping social media…are there more wheels or doors in the world?? All it took was one guy, Ryan Nixon, posting the question on Twitter on March 5th, 2022, and the world erupted into a frenzy trying to prove why one or the other was true. On this tweet, the vote was a close win for wheels, with 53.6%, and the question began to take over all other social media platforms.

Even where I work the tip jars are separated into “Wheels” or “Doors” and spur debates among our customers (to be honest I had not even heard of the debate until I started working there). Overwhelmingly, I see the “Wheels” jar taking the win but the “Doors” jar puts up a fight. I decided that the tips jars were not enough to give me an affirmed answer so I posted the question to my Instagram Story, where “Wheels” once again took the win with 72% of the votes.

My thoughts on these results? I personally say that it is 100% WHEELS! Doors have to have hinges to be legitimate doors, eliminating any toy cars with doors, jars, etc. Think about legos or Hotwheels - there are thousands of tiny (and functional) wheels in every pack; even if these have “doors”, they are nonfunctional and do not count. Am I putting way too much thought into this? Absolutely. But these are just my thoughts… what are yours?





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